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PATAP - Pan-African Telematic Art Project


Updated: Nov 16, 2021

Ars Electronica Garden Johannesburg Fak’ugesi Pan-African Garden Fak'ugesi African Digital Innovation Festival, Johannesburg & Pan-African Creative Exchange (PACE), Bloemfontein (ZA)

Fak’ugesi Pan-African Garden is a collaboration of partners, notably Vrystaat Arts Festival, the Program for Innovation in Artform Development (PIAD) and Fak’ugesi African Digital Innovation Festival. It will bring new digital work and a series of Pan-African conversations. Aligning with aims to power up Africa’s digital creative resolution, ignite imaginations, bridge divides and hardwire local talent.

Fak’ugesi Pan-African Garden Lockdowns have forced communities to go online to both create and access art. This has led to new developments for African artists in a highly networked, global environment. However, the divide between those who have access to data and technology and those who don’t has hindered many and become a new barrier. Fak’ugesi Pan-African Garden is a collaboration of partners, notably Vrystaat Arts Festival, the University of the Free State’s Program for Innovation in Artform Development (PIAD) and Fak’ugesi Festival. Aligning with aims to power up Africa’s digital creative resolution, ignite imaginations and hardwire local talent, it will include: Virtual Black Out: Experiments in the Future of Form, developed for the National Arts Festival in collaboration with POPArt & Fak’ugesi Festival. Virtual Black Out takes a step into digital “space” making. It engages African scenographers and digital artists to rethink space, location and time for new digital theatre making. Five pieces developed in lockdown over two weeks. Pan-African Telematic Art Project (PATAP) a new initiative of the Vrystaat Arts Festival through the Pan-African Creative Exchange (PACE), in partnership with Fak’ugesi Festival and the University of the Free State’s Program for Innovation in Artform Development (PIAD). It offers funding to artists on the African continent to make interactive media on issues of the continent.

Fak’ugesi Digital Africa Curator Focus, in 2020 Fak’ugesi Festival aims to develop curators, producers and advocates of African digital and technology arts. Following an African curator bootcamp, commissions focusing on digital work will take form. Join curators as they plan and develop. Platfontein Print Portfolio I and II (Ons kom vanof ons stories/ We Come From Our Stories) Platfontein is the residence of the !Xun and Khwe people, first-nation inhabits from Southern Africa. Free State Arts and Health (FSAH) initiated a youth print-project, in partnership with the William Humphreys Arts Gallery and the Isibindi Youth Centre, which is now on show in Mozilla Hubs


PATAP Presentation Pitches

Thursday 27 August 2020 From 1:24:32



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Khoekhoegowab: Vrystaati di Dī//khasib !Gâi!gâisens ge #an!gâs tsī !gôasiba Khoe-San Khoena ra mâ. Nē khoen ge //în aboxan !na /gaisa #goms tsī !hû//arede! kho/gara hâ,nâu khoen !hūb din /khas khami.

Afrikaans: Die Vrystaat Kunstefees erken en respekteer die Khoe-San van die Vrystaat en die diep geestelike verhoudings wat hulle met hul voorouers, hierdie land en sy mense het.


English: The Vrystaat Arts Festival acknowledges and respects the Khoe-San of the Free State and the deep spiritual attachment to their ancestors and the relationships they have to this country and its people.

Sesotho: Mokete wa tsa Bonono Freistata o ananela le ho hlompha morabe wa Khoe-San wa Freistata, le kamano e tebileng ya semoya eo ba nang le yona le badimo ba bona hammoho le dikamano tseo ba nang le tsona le naha ena le baahi ba yona.

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