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Updated: Nov 10, 2023

Programme starts at 16:00, Thursday 6 July and runs through the evenings till Sunday July 9th.

*subject to change


Black Brass - Australia/Kenya

Call Nina - Sweden

Mrisi Live - United Kingdom

neXus - South Africa

Soliloque Danse - Germany / Ivory Coast

Morwa the Rising Son - Botswana

Tembea - Kenya

T.E.N. - Botswana

Mad Ice - Finland / Uganda


4 Cups - South Africa

Jainaba Wouldn't Stop Dreaming - Sweden / Gambia

Kraal - South Africa

Coming Home Dead - Namibia

Pieces for Peace - South Africa

The Dawn - South Africa

The Colo(g)niser - Zimbabwe


Conundrum - United Kindom

Deus::ex::machina - South Africa

Identity - Senegal

KAKAPUSA - South Africa

kuweza collection / ManjebyNcha - Zambia

Man Child - Barbados

Nairobi Design Week - Kenya

NBTS Community Choir - Sweden / Gambia

Sharing Grandmothers - United States / Senegal

The Apology - South Africa

I Am From Reykjavik - UK

Les dieux délinquants - Burkina Faso

forgot/only - South Africa

Sorakhe (Howl) - Morocco


800 - South Africa

Chume & Sunde - South Africa

Conundrum - United Kingdom

Emisanga banana fiber jewellery collection - Kenya

Maraya Arrouh - Morocco

MONDLIART: Vanguard Pt.2 - South Africa

RAWA7 (Back Home) - Tunisia

Ruins - United Kingdom

The Apology - South Africa

Sharing Grandmothers - United States

Deus::ex::machina - South Africa

Sorakhe (Howl) - Morocco

No time for time / لا وقت للوقت - Morocco

Black Brass - Australia / Kenya

Lady Boy - Kenya

REMEMBER ACT 01 - Burkina Faso

forgot/only - South Africa

Les dieux délinquants - Burkina Faso



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Khoekhoegowab: Vrystaati di Dī//khasib !Gâi!gâisens ge #an!gâs tsī !gôasiba Khoe-San Khoena ra mâ. Nē khoen ge //în aboxan !na /gaisa #goms tsī !hû//arede! kho/gara hâ,nâu khoen !hūb din /khas khami.

Afrikaans: Die Vrystaat Kunstefees erken en respekteer die Khoe-San van die Vrystaat en die diep geestelike verhoudings wat hulle met hul voorouers, hierdie land en sy mense het.


English: The Vrystaat Arts Festival acknowledges and respects the Khoe-San of the Free State and the deep spiritual attachment to their ancestors and the relationships they have to this country and its people.

Sesotho: Mokete wa tsa Bonono Freistata o ananela le ho hlompha morabe wa Khoe-San wa Freistata, le kamano e tebileng ya semoya eo ba nang le yona le badimo ba bona hammoho le dikamano tseo ba nang le tsona le naha ena le baahi ba yona.

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